Stegman Painting
Serving the San Juan Islands for over 30 years
Painting Tips
Tips and tricks of the painting trade, all in one place. Prepare for your next personal painting project.
San Juan Islands
Serving the San Juans since 1925. Read more about the Stegman Painting family history.
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What We Do
From painting to wall coverings, commercial to residential we have the team you need.
Looking for a quote?
We serve all of the San Juan Islands, WA – just drop us a line and we can offer a competitive, no obligations quote. We look forward to hearing from you.
Paint Tips: Aging New Cedar
How to get that “weathered grey” look on new cedar.
Paint Tips: Mixing for a Satin Finish
What to do when you live on a remote island and your local paint supplier runs out of your preferred finish.
Paint Tips: Black Mildew Removal
See the difference after black mildew was removed from damaged siding.